Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Outside Reading Project

The book I am reading for the "Outside Reading Project" is called Rebbecca. It's about a mansion haunted by an old, faithful housekeeper. She doesn't seem quite right when you first meet her, like something is slightly odd. But, because the main character (a woman) has fallen in love with the owner of the mansion, she doesn't care, or really notice this. Now, because I've seen the movie and I remember it very clearly, I could tell you more about the plot. However, I'm not doing this, because the assignment is to read the book and report on it as you read!

Thats all for now, more to follow


Monday, September 28, 2009

Reading, Literature Thoughts ( Blog Post Assignment 1)

Literature has remained an enormous part of life on earth for a very, very long time. Since the dark ages, monks would spend months decorating one letter on one page with the most intricate designs, and authors spend years writing and re-writing hundred page books over and over and over again. It is a definitive quality of our society, which has helped to create relationships, save lives and, in some cases, destroy everything you know and love. JK Rowling made more money than the Queen of England writing seven books. The first was on a napkin from a restaurant in downtown London. The seven books have become some of the most popular literary works of our time, translated into many, many languages (including braille) and have spurred hundreds of millions of letters, blogs, fans and alternate works including the characters and/or basic story line. But then, on the other hand, James Frey, bestselling author of "A Million Little Pieces" wrote a massive fabrication of the truth, which, at first, won him millions and even a spot on the Oprah Show. But when investigators discovered its falsification, he came out and told everyone the truth. For that, he lost all his fans, his support and the cash flow. So, you can see just how powerful literature is, and what a large part it plays in our society.

As for me, I actually haven't read much in the past few months. I mostly play my guitar or do homework. But when I do read, I get extremely wrapped up in the little word unfolding from the pages, and it turns out to be fun! Actually, right now, I'm reading a book called "Eye of the Needle" by someone I can't remember, but it really is great! Its about a German spy sneaking around in England and France. I started reading it one night, and I looked up a few "minutes" later, and it was one in the monring. My point is, although I don't choose to read often, when I do...well, I couldn't really describe it as "fun", because that's more like running jumping, super engaging stuff. I guess it's enjoyable, but the point is, I like to read, although I don't do so very often.

I guess thats all for now, more to follow