Thursday, May 6, 2010

Dream post

Dreams. Dreams have been here since the dawn of time. People have claimed to possess "the sight", and say they have the ability to predict the future with dreams. Many dreams have been called omens of good or bad events that are about to occur. Me? Personally, I'm on the fence. I had a dream when I was about 8, where my mom and dad got in a huge fight, and he pulled EVERYTHING (and I do mean everything) out of our old house, packed it into our old (and now deceased) and left in the middle of the night. I was standing on the porch crying my eyes out when I woke up and realized it was a warm summer morning, and everything was fine! But then my parents decided to split a few weeks later, and my dad moved to a house in Tenino. "Special Sight"? I doubt it. There had been a lot of turmoil in the past few weeks leading up to that dream, and I know that past events and subject matter can be the subject of a dream if you talk about it or remember it near bedtime; maybe I dreamt dad leaving because I had heard mom and dad fighting, and I was deathly afraid that he would leave and I would never see him again! Maybe it's because I knew how much trouble he was causing for mom, and I wanted him to leave. I don't know. But I didn't dream it by chance, there was at least ONE factor that effected the subject matter of those dreams that night.

As for the whole "ESP" business, seeing the future in dreams, etc, I can't say for sure. I know there are people in the world who can bend stainless steel spoons from across a room, and people who can levitate three feet off the ground indefenitley (as long as their concentration holds). There are people who can see through objects, such as blindfolds, human skin (good for x-ray purposes), and cheating in casinos! So is it possible that there are people who can see the future, or at least make an educated guess in their dreams? Probably. But then again, probably not! You never know, the human body is a strange, weird and wonderful place, and we all have a lot of hidden talents that few of us figure out how to use.
In the play Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, the characters Romeo and Mercutio are friends. In the first act, they make plans with some friends to crash the Capulet masked ball. Romeo falters, for his "mind misgives". He had a dream which foretold that going to this party will set off a chain of events, which will all eventually lead to his premature death. He goes anyways, saying that if it is his desitiny, it is his destiny! Let fate decide.
Mercutio feels very different about Romeo's dream. He says that dreams are a waste of time, for people with idle minds and worthless lives. They amount to nothing, and no good will ever come of them! Personally, I'm on the fence again. I think that dreams can go either way, and should be taken neutrally! Let them exist as something else in the body, like breathing, eating, or walking!

That is my take on dreams, both in real life and in The Most Excellent and Lamentable Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet (I found somewhere on the interweb that that was the full crazy name)


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