Monday, January 4, 2010

New Years Resolutions... we are: 2010. And this year has been a long, and grueling trudge; sometimes you're flying through daisy fields in sunshine, and sometimes you're getting dragged face first across broken glass. But whatever happened, the year is over, and while an old door is shut, a new door opens! I'm looking foreward to a clean, clean, CLEAN slate.

If I could pick anything out of all the obvious ones (get good grades, be a nice person etc.), it would be to get to know my mom and my brother better. I think I've been really out of touch lateley. We see a little bit of eachother here and there, a passing remark thrown over our shoulders as we speed through our lives. Soon, my parent will grow old. She might develop dementia, cancer, or get hit by a bus on the way to the grocery store. And if the last thing I said to my mom was "...yeah, seeya, bye...", I don't think I could live with myself.

And my brother! He and I are the only people we've got in my family after my mom passes away. And if I never develop a relationship with him, and we become distant and move far away from eachother...that would be terrible. I mean, he's my brother!

It all basically works out for the better if I just take a bit more time to hang out with my family, and slow down a bit...


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