Monday, October 19, 2009

My Earliest Memory

It was a beautiful autumn day. The skeleton trees lined the playground, and their leaves exploded into huge bursts of red and yellow all around me. I couldn't have been happier! I was six, with my bright red rubber boots, tye-dye fleece coat and corduroy pants, and I could have taken on the whole world! Or at least, thats how I felt. The cow bell was dinging off somewhere in the distance, signalling the start of recess, but my mind was somewhere different. You see, in my tiny world at preschool, we had a giant dirt mound. We also had a hose! And, combining these two things, we made enormous rivers, cities of sand lining their banks, with complicated bridges spanning the river for many "miles". Anything was possible! But then...he came along. That....THING...I can't even speak his name.

CRRRRRUNCH!!! The sand castle building came to a halt as bryan stood there, his foot triumphantly fixed into my city. Godzilla doesn't pay visits to sand castles! At least, that's what I told him. But he didn't care, he just wanted to destroy my beautiful city, lifes work! For the day....Bu-bu-but THAT DOESN"T MATTER, because I loved my sand city with all my heart.

Oh my. Kids are so close-minded when they're little. The big picture doesn't exist in the average six year old's mind. Oh, how simple life was then. How easy. Eat, School, Play, Eat, Sleep, Repeat. Maybe one day you slay a dragon, the other day fly to the moon. You could do anything and everything. All you had to do was think. And the days of sand castle building with bryan, and dragon slaying in the backyard, those days are over. Too bad for me...

-Keenan :)


  1. Yay to skeleton trees. I just adore descriptive language. YAY!

  2. haha that sounds fun i used to make cities out of sand in my back yard right under neath my rope swing and then swing over to view my master piece lol

  3. Sand castles are the best! Every time I go to the beach I make a sand castle, even at 14 I think its the best thing about the beach.
