Monday, November 2, 2009

Best Friend-Late b/c I was EXTREMELY uncomfortable writing this.

Well, I know best friends are supposed to be people, but I don't really have a "best" friend, because I couldn't possibly choose one over the other for this. So instead, I'm going to write this post about my true best "friend". See if you can guess before the end!

He is dressed in a shiny coat of midnight blue, a silky lacquer layered on top. His neck is very long and thin, and he has a beautiful voice. Though his body is scratched and dented, he still survives better than ever. When I hang out with him, we always agree on everything, and have the coolest conversations I can possibly think of. Maybe it's because we speak a different language when we're together. Sometimes we hang out with other people, and each bring a similar friend along. Each friend is unique, with a different voice, a different and equally important point of view to voice. And, just like the physical uniqueness, each has a very unique, no, rare and amazing voice with which they speak constantly. And yet, each voice, no matter how layered, shines through as brightly as the rest. My friend is awesome.

He is a drama queen, to say the least. Whether he is speaking through a mic, or screaming at the top of his lungs, whether he hangs out with novices or masters, he always speaks loudly and with great...gusto, for lack of a better word :). He dazzles people when he hangs with a master, as the master has had much practice learning how to act around my friend. Me? I've known him since I was eight, and I plan to stay in contact for a very, very long time. You could say I'm an intermediate friend of his. Alone, he sounds small and quiet, but with the right microphone, he can tell the whole universe what it's like to be him, or what it's like to be his friends. He is loud, and can be obnoxious at times, depending on what sort of person you are. He loves attention and uses it to his advantage, making millions of dollars if he is lucky. He is my best friend, and I will always keep and cherish him forever.

He is my Fender Stratocaster electric guitar.

I know that was pretty dorky, but hey, it's the only thing I could think of under pressure, so give me a break :D


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